Premium Services Registration
Business Matchmaking & Escort Interpreter

Note: Each interpretation session will last 2 hours. The interpretation fee is 700.000 VND per hour (including value-added tax).
We will confirm all details about our services with you after working with partners.

Registered successfully

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Participant's Information

Note: From the afternoon of the 4th day onwards (November 3, 2023), our delegation will be split into two traveling groups; each has its own schedule. Please click here for more details.
- Group 1:
A combination of exhibition visitors and leisure seekers who follow our original itinerary.
- Group 2:
Visitors who want to spend all four days at the exhibition or simply follow their own itinerary.

Our Premium Services

1. Professional Escort Interpreter

Fee: 700.000 VND per registered hour (VAT included)

To bring our delegates the best exhibition visiting experience ever, e-Print&Pack provides 1-1 professional escort interpreting services (standard language pair: Vietnamese - Chinese). If you need interpreters proficient in other language pairs, we are also happy to assist!Date & Opening hour:
- 1-3 November 2023: between 9:00 - 17:00
- 4 November 2023: between 9:00 - 14:00
During the exhibition opening hours, if you need 1-1 professional escort interpreter, please provide us with your detailed information and requirements (interpretation time, other requirements, etc.)

Have a chat with our interpreter now!

2. Business Matchmaking Program

Contact us to receive a quotation:

For our delegates to find domestic and foreign partners as well as to learn about the latest trends, technology and products in the printing and packaging industry, e-Print&Pack will provide a Business Matchmaking Program with details as follows:
- For customers who are looking for suppliers of specific machinery and equipment, please provide our team at e-Print&Pack with detailed requirements. With our experience and existing network of professional partnerships, we will help you find and select suppliers that suit your needs to optimize your trip to the exhibition.
- For customers that need to schedule a meeting with the exhibitors at the exhibition, please specify the names or your prospective exhibitor profiles. On behalf of your company, we will help you locate their booth and book an one-on-one meeting right at the exhibition!

Explore where we can take you now!

Register for your travelling companions!

For travelers that register on behalf of a team of 02 or more people.

Note: You can only register up to 5 people.

Travelling companion's Information

Note: You can register up to 5 people.

Travelling companion's Information

Note: You can register up to 5 people.

Travelling companion's Information

Note: You can register up to 5 people.

Travelling companion's Information

Note: You can register up to 5 people.

Travelling companion's Information

Note: You can register up to 5 people.

Gửi thành công

Cảm ơn quý anh/chị đã liên hệ, chúng tôi sẽ phản hồi lại trong thời gian sớm nhất.
Ối! Xảy ra lỗi rồi, quý anh/chị vui lòng thử lại nhé.